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The term describes the phenom­e­non in which more and more private stake­hold­ers are becom­ing involved in the space market, along­side state-run orga­ni­za­tions like ESA, NASA or ROSCOS­MOS. They are driving the devel­op­ment of sustain­able rocket tech­nolo­gies and also launch­ing rock­ets and satel­lites into space them­selves. Many compa­nies also come from tradi­tional sectors of indus­try and use satellite data for appli­ca­tions like smart farm­ing, logis­tics or autonomous driving. Data can also be used to moni­tor the envi­ron­ment and climate. This commer­cial­iza­tion of space is creat­ing compe­ti­tion, which in turn is driving inno­va­tion. This way, New Space is help­ing to make life on Earth not only more digi­tal, but also more sustain­able. (c.f. Green Rock­etry)