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Propy­lene glycol is a color­less, almost odor­less liquid. Because propy­lene glycol has dissolv­ing and emul­si­fy­ing prop­er­ties, it is in great demand in indus­try and is suit­able for a vari­ety of appli­ca­tions: as an addi­tive in medi­cines, creams and tooth­paste, as a food addi­tive in chew­ing gum, and it is also used in antifreeze and tobacco prod­ucts. Together with Dow, Evonik Active Oxygens has devel­oped the HPPG process, which enables the versa­tile mate­r­ial to be produced from propene and hydro­gen perox­ide in a single process step. The HPPG process is currently being read­ied for its market launch under the brand name HYPROSYN®.