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The special feature of hybrid rock­ets is that hydro­gen perox­ide is not only used here as a fuel for the turbop­ump, as is the case with the propul­sion of large rock­ets such as Soyuz, but ensures propul­sion of the entire rocket together with a second fuel. Hybrid rock­ets feature tanks contain­ing liquid oxidizer ‒ highly concen­trated hydro­gen perox­ide ‒ and a combus­tion cham­ber contain­ing a solid fuel, such as poly­eth­yl­ene. To achieve the desired thrust, a valve is opened and the liquid fuel is forced into the combus­tion cham­ber via a cata­lyst. There, the liquid fuel reacts with the solid fuel and provides the neces­sary thrust.

The advan­tage of using these substances is that there is no risk of explo­sion during stor­age and oper­a­tion. They are also easy to handle and more envi­ron­men­tally compat­i­ble than conven­tional fuels.