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This is used to system­at­i­cally record the envi­ron­men­tal impact of a prod­uct or process through­out its entire life cycle. The aim is to iden­tify the sources of emis­sions and develop envi­ron­men­tally compat­i­ble solu­tions on this basis. Evonik has taken a “cradle-to-gate” approach (“cradle” to “factory gate”) for vari­ous prod­ucts and tech­nolo­gies, look­ing at emis­sions at differ­ent stages of a product’s manu­fac­ture, and then analyz­ing them in terms of their envi­ron­men­tal impact, compar­ing them with alter­na­tive prod­ucts and processes, and eval­u­at­ing them. These life cycle assess­ments are produced using a dedi­cated Life Cycle Manage­ment (LCM) system.